STROBE is weird abbreviation for STrengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology.
What is This?
It is 22 items check list, that should be present in a article reporting on three main study design of observational analytical epidemiology
It is kind of guidance for Dummies to know how to report the observational studies.
- Cohort
- Case control
- Cross-Sectional
It is developed
To assist the authors when reporting the observational analytical studies
To support the journal editors and reviewers for considering the publication of article
To help readers when critically evaluating the article.
It has 22 items, just like a checklist to produce a good report .
Title 1 is related to title and abstract of report/article.
Titles 2-3 are related to Introduction.
Titles 4-12 are related to Methods.
Titles 13--17 are related to results.
Titles 18-21 are regarding discussion.
Title 22 is related to other information like funding etc
Source: and WHO.