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Monday, 25 March 2013

Logic of Wound healing Using sugar

Sohail Riaz     07:09  No comments

Every one is familiar with the effect of sugar on wound healing. And I also want other people to enjoy learning this.
sugar effects in wound healing:
1.       Sugar drains moisture in therefore draining it out of bacteria in surrounding tissue leading to bacterial dehydration ultimately as bactericide.
2.       Sugar and honey prevent scarring after injury that they heal ulcers and burns without need for skin grafts, they prevent the build up of stringy kind  of collagen that creates scar tissue. Instead a delicate mesh like collagen structure forms that allow skin to heal.
3.       Granulated sugar is a disaccharide sugar and combines with water.when applies to a wound it commonly dissolves in 4 hours , creating highly concentrated environment on the wound surface.Body fluids are attracted towards wound surface to equalize increased concentrated gradient increasing the volume of exudate( any liquid that filters from circulatory system into lesion or area of inflammation) produced. This appears to wash out wash out the wound and liquify devastated dead tissue .The tissues are removed after every time wound is dressed.
 Now the question is if sugar is too god for wound healing so why diabetic patients take too much time to heal the wound ????
Answer is here
  1. Poor circulation: This is due to fatty acid deposits in artries that slow downs blood flow . which in turn limits reach of blood, nutrients necessary for healing.
  2. Neuropathy
  3. Suppression of immune system :
  • wound healing some what depends on immune system (at primary stage). In the hyperglycemic stage (increased glucose / sugar conc. In blood) sugar draws water in blood that suppresses immune system.
  • WBCs rely on vitamin c to ingest bacteria and viruses but since sugar and vitamin c has similar structures sugar compete with vitamin c for entering cell this results in suppression of immune system..
I hope it helped you
Regards admin

Sohail Riaz

I am pharmacist, graduated from University of Balochistan. I am very eager to spread the knowledge by writing articles, giving reviews to different researches and sharing the hospital experience. Stay connected by following this blog Thank you
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