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Thursday, 15 January 2015

Non- medical studnets and self medication .. .... Strange

Sohail Riaz     04:08  No comments

Yesss .... Self-medication.. I don't think so that u are quite familiar with the term self-medication.
Here let me explain for you .
Self Medication: According to WHO, Self-medication is the selection and use of medicines by individuals to treat self-recognised illnesses or symptoms. Its the part of Self care..

Of course, Every body is conscious about his / her health. and if some thing "WRONG" happens to his/ her health, That person is going to take some serious actions against that "WRONG" thing.
For example, If some one's eyes are red, itchy and burning, he is going to take self care, he'll simply just take out his eyes ????????

     absolutely not..... He is going to visit doctor ASAP.

            Same is with the Self-medication. It is as wrong as taking your eyes out with fork. If you feel some thing "WRONG"  just visit the physician or pharmacist. Over-smartness is dangerous for your health.
Now, back to topic
There was recent study on the non-medical students of Karachi, Pakistan, where scientists tried to figure out the self medication of Abx ( just being fancy. abbreviation of antibiotics ).
Main researcher was Syed Jawad Shah.. Hi S.J Shah.. I hope you fine :P Nice work dude. (co authors .. sorry for not getting credit :D )
Was published on open peer review journal BMC ..

key Findings:

1. 205 respondents (47.6%) out of 431 reported using antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor in the last six

2. The most common antibiotic used for self-medication purposes was amoxicillin which was used by 81(41.4%) study participants. Amoxicillin was followed by Metronidazole (30.5%), Ciprofloxacin (12.7%) and Cotrimoxazole (9.5%). Erythromycin and Ampicillin/cloxacillin were used by 6.7% and 6.2% of the sample population respectively and other antibiotics were amongst the less frequently used antibiotics.
3. only 21.8% of the students (93 out of 427) reported experiencing adverse effects after antibiotic usage. Of the 71 students who specified which adverse effects they had experienced, 19 reported presence of abdominal complaints after antibiotic usage (26.7%), 13 reported an allergic reaction (18.3%), 9 reported sleep disturbance (12.7%), and 8 reported weakness (11.3%).
4.63% non-medical student didn't heard of antibiotic resistance. Some thing predictable.

It was alaaa research.
Source : http://www.biomedcentral.com/2050-6511/15/74/abstract
And Pdf Source .. Just click on Click this :P

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Sohail Riaz

I am pharmacist, graduated from University of Balochistan. I am very eager to spread the knowledge by writing articles, giving reviews to different researches and sharing the hospital experience. Stay connected by following this blog Thank you
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