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Monday, 25 March 2013

Avoiding IgA Nephropathy isn’t difficult

Sohail Riaz     06:58  No comments

What is IgA Nephropathy? In IgA Nephropathy, unknown agents cause the glomeruli to become — and to stay — inflamed. IgA Nephropathy is the world’s most common glomerulonephritis, but its pathogenesis is not known. IgA Nephropathy is considered to be an immune-complex mediated disorder, which means that immune complexes may not be the direct cause of the disease but they help bring about the end result, which is widespread inflammation of the kidneys. How to avoid IgA Nephropathy?
In order to help reduce your chances of getting IgA nephropathy, take the following steps:
1. Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Eat a healthful diet, one that is low in saturated fat and rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
4. Maintain a healthy weight.
5. Drink alcohol in moderation. Moderate alcohol intake is no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.
6. Don’t smoke. If you Tobacco Use Disorder , quit.
7. Consider counseling, stress reduction exercises, and meditation to decrease the stress in your life.
8. Lose weight if necessary. Your doctor can recommend a safe weight loss plan and a reasonable target weight.
9. Take medicine. Your doctor may prescribe medicine to help lower your blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels.
Tell your doctor if you have a family history of IgA Nephropathy or other forms of kidney disease. This way, your doctor can watch for signs of IgA nephropathy.


Sohail Riaz

I am pharmacist, graduated from University of Balochistan. I am very eager to spread the knowledge by writing articles, giving reviews to different researches and sharing the hospital experience. Stay connected by following this blog Thank you
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